Regardless of whether the current pandemic began in a wet market(which still seems most likely), this is certainly a good time to reflect on our relationship with Earth's other living creatures(and, for that matter, each other). One thing we are convinced of is that although that there are plenty of unscrupulous people all over the world and from all walks of life, most problems we face concern systems, not individuals.We felt very uncomfortable spending time in this panda breeding center for a number of reasons, but the way the caretakers treated the animals wasn't one of them. Likewise, while poaching is an enormous problem in many places around the world, that doesn't necessarily tell us anything about poachers.
We like to tell ourselves that anyone harming the animals we love is evil, because that fits the narrative better, but that's simply not true. Some are greedy, no doubt. But many are simply trying to put food on the table. Which doesn't make a wrong act right-but understanding and compassion is much better path towards finding common ground. It is safee, therefore, and more humane to focus our energy and emotions on the systematic problem - poaching, the illegal wildlife trade, political maneuvering-than on the individual 'foot soldiers'. When we are younger, we tend to jump to conclusions quickly, today; if anything, we err on the side of caution, especially when it comes to the intentions of others.
But this - the highly unnecessary trade of wildlife really does need to stop. And not just to prevent a future, more deadly pandemic. It's simply a moral thing to do 🖤
With 🐾
Source: Marcus Westberg