Remember Leonard visiting Antarctica with Sheldon and group to make a “ground-breaking discovery” in the Big Bang Theory?
The four were not that successful with their endeavour in the series. However, a group of NASA scientists, in a much similar experiment, has done what the great Sheldon Cooper could not. They have successfully made a discovery that can possibly change our understanding of the universe.
NASA scientists have reportedly discovered evidence of a parallel universe during their experiment in Antarctica. The evidence comes as the first real proof that not all of the universe follows the human made model of physics and that the parallel universe that was a mystery since long, might be closer to us than imagined. For the study, the researchers used NASA’s Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA). For those unaware - ANITA is a radio detector mounted on a balloon that is able to identify cosmic-ray air showers in the cold dry air above Antarctica. The reason for its placement in Antarctica is that there is little to no radio noise at the place that can possibly distort the readings obtained on it.
The discovery
Earth receives a constant flow of energy particles from outer space. Among these, the high energy particles are stopped by the solid matter of the Earth while the low energy particles called ‘neutrinos’ pass straight through the Earth without any interaction.
Previous studies through ANITA identified a shower of high-energy particles emitting from the ice in Antarctica - resembling an 'upside-down cosmic-ray shower'. This discovery was earlier dismissed as background noises.
It was only after a later investigation that indicated that the upside-down cosmic-ray shower was indeed a stream of high energy particles emanating from the ice. Experts now believe that these particles may be travelling backwards in time. This is the proof of a parallel universe where the known laws of physics operate in reverse.
Peter Gorham, lead author on a Cornell University research paper explaining the odd phenomenon understands that "Not everyone was comfortable with the hypothesis."
The discovery is odd, after all. One possible explanation for the observance is that high energy upward-moving particles changed their form before tunnelling through the earth, reverted back to their original form, then emerged from the ice.
That notion, however, is a long shot as such events were mostly considered impossible before the discovery.
Therefore the one, and more perceivable theory that scientists are left with is that at the time of the Big Bang, two universes were formed – ours, and another one that is running in reverse from our perspective.
If the findings are not due to any experimental error, the research can possibly change humans’ understandng of the universe. It can answer much questions related to the anti-matter that has eluded the scientists for decades and most of all, can prove all the sci-fi movies and TV shows to be true for at least one big aspect - multi-verse!
With 🌠
Souce: India Times